
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Indonesia does not have broadband roadmap

JAKARTA: The government does not have a road map (road map) broadband, although the penetration of Internet access network in the country is still very low at less than 2%.
Telematics and Utilization Deputy Assistant Deputy Coordinating Minister for Economic Infrastructure Coordination Satriya Eddy said that until now there is no roadmap to broadband in Indonesia, which together with the Coordinating Ministry for Economy and Society Telekomunikasi Indonesia Kadin Indonesia is preparing a road map to assist the development of Internet access at home. 

"Roadmap broadband as yet exist. Though broadband penetration of 10% will contribute to GDP growth terahadap [Gross Domestic Product] of 1.38%, "he told Business Today.
He explained Coordinating Ministry for Economy is preparing a master plan of the Indonesian economy which consists of 3 main discussion include economic corridors, connectivity, and information and communication technology (ICT). 

According to Eddy, the economic corridor will be supported by the connectivity and ICT infrastructure in which there are elements of broadband.
Based on statements from Kadin Indonesia, the government will target the broadband penetration rate of 30% in 2014 or growing 15-fold compared with current conditions.
With broadband penetration in Indonesia is only about 2%, meaning only about 1.2 million households connected to the Internet. Based on the Chamber of Commerce data, broadband penetration in Malaysia has reached 57%. 

Broadband is an Internet network access both fixed line (fixed line) or wireless or wireless access speeds at least 250 Kbps, although standards abroad at least 1 Mbps.
"There is no roadmap broadband is final, is still only under discussion only. Officially no, "he explained


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